Top 10 Most Powerful Objects In DC Universe.

  1. World Engine
    World Engine is an ancient engine developed by Kryptonians which can transform any atmosphere into the atmosphere identical to that of Krypton. It was once sent to the Indian Ocean on Earth to transform the atmosphere of Earth. It was soon stopped by Superman but within that time it had killed almost half of the aquatic life of The Indian Ocean.
  2. Mother Boxes
    Mother Boxes are part living Supercomputers created by element X by the New Genesian Scientist Himon. These Boxes have powers to heal, manipulate energy and control emotions. But they are most famous for creating Boom Tubes, the portals that allow you to travel anywhere in the known multiverse. Their Powers are not fully discovered even by their users yet.
  3. Mobius Chair
    The Mobius Chair was created by Mobius also known as Anti-Monitor. It can fly, travel through space and time, contains all knowledge of New Gods, senses danger and life, create holograms to distract enemies, has life support, shoots force fields and has a tractor beam which can pull an entire planet.
  4. The Bell, The Wheel, and The Jar.
    The Bell, The Wheel, and The Jar, when used together, summons the powers of Demon Three: Abnegazar, Rath, and Ghast. These Demons are extremely powerful and ruled the Galaxy Billions of Years Ago.
  5. The Starheart.
    Starheart war created by the Guardians of the Universe about a Half a Billion years ago. It was used by Alan Scott to be the first Green Lantern. It gives wielder powers such as manipulating metal, flight, hypnosis, time travel, walking through obstacles like a ghost, creating force fields, manipulating matter and energy, altering reality, teleportation, creating anything that wielder imagines and also provides Eternal Youth.
  6. Spear of Destiny.
    The Spear of Destiny is reported to be the spear which pierced Christ’s side. It fall in the hands of Adolf Hitler in World War 2. It has Power to control any Superhero who gets close to it.
  7. Anti-life Equation.
    The Anti-life Equation is a fictional Mathematical formula, anyone who knows the Anti-life Equation can dominate and control any sentient race. Anti-life Equation is the ultimate desire of Darkseid. The Anti-life Equation can also alter reality and gives freedom over life and death. The Full equation is still unknown by just a single being. The Full Equation was only known to Billion Dollar Bates but he used it to take his own life.
  8. White Lantern Ring.
    The White Lantern Rings is the most powerful Lantern Ring. White Lantern Ring can generate the Powers of all the other lantern rings. So this makes the wielder a supremely powerful being but its main power is that it can resurrect people from the dead. This ring was once used by Hal Jordan to save Superman and Wonder Woman who had been turned to Black Lanterns.

2.Helmet Of Fate.
Helmet of Fate was created by Lord of Order”Nabu”. Nabu Passed this Helmet to Kent Nelson who became Doctor Fate. This helmet channels the power of Nabu. It has powers such as Flight, Telekinesis, Damage Resistance, Levitation, Enhanced Sorcery, Enhanced Strength, Mystical Bolts, Phasing, Spells, Creating illusions, Invisibility, Dimensional and Energy Manipulation, Enhanced Intellect, Intutive knowledge, Psychometry, Cosmic Awareness, Time Travel, Super Strength, Super Speed, Interstellar an Dimensional Teleportation and Immortality. Don’t you want this helmet?

  1. Miracle Machine
    This is the most Powerful Item in Whole DC Universe. This Machine can transform thoughts into reality. But it is so sensitive that if the user even for an instance thinks about death, he will die. It was given to Legion of Superheroes and was locked in Legion’s vault as it was too dangerous to be used. In Final Crisis only Superman was trusted to remake the Universe using the Miracle Machine.

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